Friday, April 21, 2006
Hi y'all, this site been dormant for quite some time.....I do hope you people are doing something constructive with your time if you are not updating this blog. IThe newbies have not written anything on this blog before rite?? What happen? They are aware of the existence of this site and been invited to join in rite??
Anyways.....yup, May gonna be really exciting. I mean, we've been dormant all this while and occasionally perform in college here once or twice and recently the Enrichment day was a blast but...whats coming up in the May and July are the REAL thing!!!You guys been practicing hard and I'm sure everyone is looking forward to
8 and 9 May to perform at the Esplanade Concourse. For the newbies ie the Yr1 and IPs, this will be it. Your very first public performance and I assure you that its gonna feel great. So, tell all your friend and family and relatives and invite them all to your performance on the 8 or 9 May ok.
Of course the next big thing coming up is the 20 May College Day.It is a Big thing and remember, every rehearsals matter and for the newbies, ask the seniors if you don't believe me ok. I mean, try playing a fool or performing not up to par on the rehearsals and you will definitely be reprimanded in front of All, yup all the performers!!! So, 10 May will be your ltmus test.
As we prepare for all that, remember that we are buiilding all these up for our Concert in July. That is definitely going to be a bomb.
For the Yr 2s, I understand that some of you are not happy that we are performing so many times....come on guys....I don't think you should even complain!!All performers want to have a chance to perform and I suppose you too rite, So, it's a privilege to be invited to perfrom and like I said the last time, seize the opportunities cause it sometime comes only once. Remember, the future of Angklung ie whether we get invited again or not depends on your performance. In fact, you guys are contributiing to the future generation of Angklung players in NJC as such they will always be invited to perform in years to come.
This is indeed a long e mail but I could not leave out another 2 important performances. one is one the 8 JUly where you are invited to perform in a concert at Fort Canning Park to a crowd or probably 4000 people. Still awaiting for confirmation on this. Another one is on 16 July at Suntec for National Heritage Festival and most probably will be the swansong performance for the Yr2s. So, get excited guys and inform all that matters to attend ok.
Deroni aka The Guru