Saturday, September 27, 2008
Okay, so promos are FINALLY over! YAY.
Juniors should be very free now hahahhaha (:
Let's play hard, enjoy and make some SERIOUS post-exam modifications to our schedule!- Bio students, you should get what I mean hahahahha (:
It has been such a long time since I have touched the computer. It feels so damn good just typing the keyboard. This is bliss. xDDDD
I miss angklung!
Miss playing the kulingtan! Although I think I may have forgotten all my notes. :P (Don't kill me Mr Dzul and Amy!!!) *Runs away*
Before I forget, our angklung is playing for open day with Nj malay dance, on the 18th october, so please remember to keep that day free. Song played will be gunung payung. (: Further details will be given asap after arrangements are made with malay dance. ((:
Yeah, so I told and promised maythant before that I would upload some photos but I haven't had the time until today so, as promised:

The above photo is an unglam picture of Maythant, which is the highlight of this whole post. I reserve the right to distribute this photo. HAHAHHAHAHA LOL.

Yup. That's all (:
Praying for all the seniors for your upcoming A'levels! I know you guys will do well (: