Sunday, April 04, 2010
This week was quite a relaxing one due to holidays and school events but starting from next week on, we WILL start our intensive practices! So now, it'll be on Wednesdays (4-7), Thursdays (5-7) and Saturdays (9-1).
Regarding the Arts Appreciation event with the JH students next Thursday, please reply Haslinda for those of you who need to be excused from lessons. We really encourage everyone to go so that we can really try to get the JH students interested in the CCA(: Ticket sales at the canteen for Reminiscence II will start soon so we'll be informing you guys of when you will need to be stationed at the booth in the canteen to help in ticket sales. More details about that later.
Meanwhile, I have edited the design of posters that received suggestions we have agreed on but I really don't know whether it is actually better:/ I'm not sure whether I'm allowed to post it up here so we'll show you on Wednesday. More updates soon(: